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Die iiQii-Philosophie
Applied Philosophy of 'thinking different' - Beware the Talking-Doing-Gap ------>Leadership, organizational effectiveness & radical humanism

 Photos, die den Suchstring "different" enthalten   

StewartBrand @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:StewartBrand @ edge.org

Description: The same old, boring, disenchanted cycle. "Science is the only news. When you scan through a newspaper or magazine, all the human interest stuff is the same old he-said-she-said, the politics and economics the same sorry cyclic dramas, the fashions a pathetic illusion of newness, and even the technology is predictable if you know the science. Human nature doesn't change much; science does, and the change accrues, altering the world irreversibly." We now live in a world in which the rate of change is the biggest change. Science has thus become a big story." 3rd culture, edge.org GOTO Fundamental GOTO FundamentalNature GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO NoMorePunchAndJudyShows

JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com

Description: The habits and needs of a little-understood group. Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice? If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out?", http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch GOTO Diversity GOTO WildDuckCounts GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO TheEndOfDivisionOfLabour

AndrewFire @ stanford.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:AndrewFire @ stanford.edu

Description: Dieser Mann ist das Anti-Model. "So befand es vor ein paar Jahren eine Modezeitschrift, als sie ihren Leserinnen ein Foto von Andrew Fire präsentierte. Ganz überwunden hat der amerikanische Biologe und Mathematiker den Schrecken bis heute nicht. Aber dass ihm jetzt ein Nobelpreis winkt, dürfte ihn über den zweifelhaften Ruhm hinwegtrösten, zum Prototyp des unerotischen Wissenschaftlers erklärt worden zu sein", SZ, 04.10.06 GOTO WirQuatschenUnsZuTode "This man is the anti-model. Found a fashion magazine, presenting its female readers a photo of Andrew Fire. The american mathematician and biologist did not overcome this shock totally until now. But with the award of the nobel prize he is on the rebound, being declared to the prototype of the most unerotic scientist", SZ, 04.10.06 GOTO WeAreGossipingUsToDeath GOTO ThinkDifferent!

StevenPinker @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:StevenPinker @ edge.org

Description: Individual Perceptions Are Different. "I agree that the qualitative experience is not the key to understanding intelligence from a scientist's point of view. The scientifically tractable aspect of consciousness is not the fact that there are people or animals subjectively experiencing it, but the fact that some kinds of information are mutually accessible and others are not, and that there is therefore a portion of mental information processing that has a different status than the rest of it. That's one sense of consciousness: information that's accessible to a particular body of information-processing involved with the current environment, and which in humans can interface with the verbal apparatus." 3rd culture. What is your dangerous idea? We must be especially suspicious when the danger in a dangerous idea is to someone other than its advocate. Scientists, scholars and writers are members of a privileged elite. They may have an interest in promulgating ideas that justify their privileges, that blame or make light of society's victims, or that earn them attention for cleverness and iconoclasm... But don't the demands of rationality always compel us to seek the complete truth? Not necessarily. Rational agents often choose to be ignorant... Perhaps a similar logic would call for keeping socially harmful information out of the public sphere. GOTO PartiallyAccessible GOTO SociallyHarmful

FloydDewhirstBrucePaster @ forsyth.harvard.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:FloydDewhirstBrucePaster @ forsyth.harvard.edu

Description: Somehow not known. "Approximately 600 different species of bacteria have been identified from the human mouth, although any one person may have only a third of this number. The majority of these species are compatible with oral health, but a minority have been shown to be associated with diseases, such as tooth decay and periodontal disease. Forty-four percent of these species have been cultured and named by microbiologists. Another 11 percent have been cultured, but are not yet named. Forty-five percent have not yet been cultured and are known from molecular studies that recognize the DNA fingerprints of these uncultivated species. Investigators are currently examining the link between certain oral bacteria and systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and preterm delivery", http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-03/fi-slh032408.php GOTO SomehowSmallAren'tThey? GOTO SomehowEvolutionaryReasonable GOTO TheSomehowPsychosomaticDiseases

RichardPFeynman @ feynman.com
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:RichardPFeynman @ feynman.com

Description: What Do You Care What Other People Think? I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don't know anything about

StephenKosslyn @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:StephenKosslyn @ edge.org

Description: WHAT SHAPE ARE A GERMAN SHEPHERD'S EARS? "The 'Reality Simulation Principle' can also be used to acquire self-knowledge. Try this one out. Imagine it’s dusk, you’re walking alone, and you’re late. You start to walk faster and then notice a short-cut through an alley. It’s getting a little dark, but you really don’t want to be late, so you start to go towards it, and you notice that there are three guys lingering near the mouth of the alley. Now think about a first scenario: The three guys look like they’re 20 years old, are wearing long droopy shorts, dirty t-shirts, baseball caps that are on backwards, and are smoking cigarettes. As you get close, they stop talking, and all three heads swivel and fixate on you and start tracking you. How do you feel? Now try the same thing, except instead of those three guys, make them three balding middle-age, overweight accountants wearing suits. They’re standing there smoking cigarettes, and their heads swivel as they track you. How do you feel now? You can start simulating the effects of different attributes. For example, what if the guys are black or Latino teenagers. How do you feel?" (the new humanists) GOTO Heimat GOTO R.Putnam GOTO Naisbitt GOTO M.Banaji

JohnRHibbing @ unl.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:JohnRHibbing @ unl.edu

Description: The View Of The Others - Stubbornly Resistant To Reason. "A provocative article in the latest issue of New Scientist cites several studies that indicate political positions are 'substantially determined by biology and can be stubbornly resistant to reason.' This has implications on (political) campaigns. In newsrooms and bars across the land, liberals and conservatives are ... trying to convince each other that their way of thinking is right. They may be wasting their breath. The magazine quotes John Alford, a political scientist at Rice University in Houston, Texas: “These views are deep-seated and built into our brains. Trying to persuade someone not to be a liberal is like trying to persuade someone not to have brown eyes. We have to rethink persuasion.” One thing is clear, says Alford. “We spend a lot of energy getting upset with the other side...we often think our opponents are misinformed or stubborn. Accepting that people are born with some of their views changes that.” New Scientist, 02.02.08 / www.indianexpress.com/story/275904.html GOTO FoundamentalDifferent GOTO DiversityManagement GOTO InnovationByReason GOTO TimeForAChange GOTO OpenMinded GOTO NoddingApprovingly

AdriannaCJenkins @ telegraph.co.uk
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:AdriannaCJenkins @ telegraph.co.uk

Description: The Others Judgement. "It might help explain why people who learn some small piece of information about some other person... may have difficulty communicating with that person on a variety of topics", http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=politically-correct-why-g "What's perhaps most interesting about the research," she explains, "is that it suggests that we may automatically think about the minds of other people in the way in which we think about ourselves, but that this courtesy may be automatically restricted to those we perceive at first glance to be similar." "Once you have a little piece of information about someone being similar to you or different, you seem to take it and run with it. You may think they are similar to you across the board, even though you may not have much reason to think this. It is rather surprising", www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/03/17/scibrain117.xml GOTO BrainDivisionStereotypingReligiousConflictAndRacism GOTO DifferentDrums GOTO DifferentEars GOTO TheOthers GOTO Amygdala GOTO Klapsodivismus GOTO UnterredungsErfahrung GOTO Brain-Groupthink-Innovation GOTO StilleReflexe

LincolnStein @ cshl.org
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:LincolnStein @ cshl.org

Description: Evolutionary Rivalry. "During the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, Italy was fragmented into dozens of rival city-states controlled by such legendary families as the Estes, Viscontis and Medicis. Though picturesque, this political fragmentation was ultimately damaging to science and commerce because of the lack of standardization in everything from weights and measures to the tax code to the currency to the very dialects people spoke... The old city-states of Italy are an apt metaphor for bioinformatics today. The field is dominated by rival groups, each promoting its web sites, services and data formats... The researcher may find herself devoting as much time adjusting to differences in presentation of the data as she does actually thinking about them", Nature 417, 119-120 (9 May 2002) | doi:10.1038/417119a GOTO TheNatureOfKnowledgeConfidence GOTO ITInhibitsProgress GOTO DifferentDisciplines GOTO DifferentWorlds GOTO TeamReward GOTO CanalGrande GOTO TheNeverEndingStory

RichardNovick @ nyu.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:RichardNovick @ nyu.edu

Description: John Chen and Richard P. Novick: Phage-Mediated Intergeneric Transfer of Toxin Genes. "Because bacteriophages generally parasitize only closely related bacteria, it is assumed that phage-mediated genetic exchange occurs primarily within species. Here we report that staphylococcal pathogenenicity islands, containing superantigen genes, and other mobile elements transferred to Listeria monocytogenes at the same high frequencies as they transfer within Staphylococcus aureus. Several staphylococcal phages transduced L. monocytogenes but could not form plaques. In an experiment modeling phage therapy for bovine mastitis, we observed pathogenicity island transfer between S. aureus and L. monocytogenes in raw milk. Thus, phages may participate in a far more expansive network of genetic information exchange among bacteria of different species than originally thought, with important implications for the evolution of human pathogens", Science 2 January 2009, DOI: 10.1126/science.1164783 GOTO SomehowEvolutionary GOTO SomehowSmall GOTO SomehowNotKnown

WolfFrommer @ stanford.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:WolfFrommer @ stanford.edu

Description: Despite Broad Economic Importance. "Despite broad biological importance, the identity of sugar efflux transporters has remained elusive. Using optical glucose sensors, we identified a new class of sugar transporters, named SWEETs, and show that at least six out of seventeen Arabidopsis, two out of over twenty rice and two out of seven homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans, and the single copy human protein, mediate glucose transport. Arabidopsis SWEET8 is essential for pollen viability, and the rice homologues SWEET11 and SWEET14 are specifically exploited by bacterial pathogens for virulence by means of direct binding of a bacterial effector to the SWEET promoter. Bacterial symbionts and fungal and bacterial pathogens induce the expression of different SWEET genes, indicating that the sugar efflux function of SWEET transporters is probably targeted by pathogens and symbionts for nutritional gain. The metazoan homologues may be involved in sugar efflux from intestinal, liver, epididymis and mammary cells" http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v468/n7323/full/nature09606.html GOTO SomehowImportant-DieSchuldenuhr

FrontalCortex @ wired.com
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:FrontalCortex @ wired.com

Description: How to choose the objectively best toothpaste? car? world? "Dijksterhuis then gave them a few minutes to consciously contemplate their decision. In this “easy” situation, more than 50 % of the subjects ended up choosing the best car... After he gave them the automotive facts, he distracted them with some simple word games for a few minutes. He then interrupted their fun and asked the subjects, rather suddenly, to choose a car... they made significantly worse choices than those who were allowed to consciously think about the cars. so far, so obvious... He repeated the experiment, only this time he rated each car in twelve different categories... In addition... Their brain had to deal with forty-eight separate pieces of information. Did conscious deliberation still lead to the best decision? Dijksterhuis found that people given time to think in a rational manner – they could carefully contemplate each alternative – now chose the ideal car less than 25 % of the time. In other words, they performed worse than random chance. However, subjects who were distracted for a few minutes found the best car nearly 60 % of the time" http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/09/how-should-we-make-hard-decisions/ GOTO HardFacts-SwitchToAutopilot GOTO HardFacts-SwitchToJustice GOTO HardFacts-KognitiverGeiz GOTO SchmerzhafteAufwendungAnGehirnenergie GOTO HardFacts-KortikaleEntlastung GOTO GlobalerSelbstmordpakt-DieTageDesNachdenkensSindVorbei GOTO DasArchaischeBelohnungssystemBringtUnsUm GOTO BestDecision-MonkeyDart-OderWarumWirUnsIrrationalVerhalten GOTO FooledByRandomness

EricAlm @ mit.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:EricAlm @ mit.edu

Description: Outnumbered, Unknown, No Event "“We should have done this study and asked these questions five years ago,” said microbiologist Eric Alm of MIT, leader of a study published online Oct. 30 in Nature. “The significance was off the charts.” Bacteria readily exchange DNA between closely-related species, and much less frequently across unrelated lineages. This so-called horizontal gene transfer fuels adaptation, allowing for rapid adjustments to local pressures. Its full extent, however — especially in bacteria associated with humans, including those in our bodies, where bugs outnumber cells by 10 to 1 — are unknown. To get a global picture of horizontal gene transfer, Alm, two graduate students and other collaborators compared 2,235 different bacterial genomes. “I was hoping to find five to 10 examples of recent gene transfers,” he said. “My students came back in a week with 10,000 different genes that had been transferred.”" http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/11/horizontal-gene-transfer GOTO OffTheCharts GOTO 100Years GOTO 300years GOTO AHistoryOfNonEventsAndDelay

YoavGilad @ genes.uchicago.edu
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:YoavGilad @ genes.uchicago.edu

Description: Rank them higher. Struggle for Status, USP, Hierarchy. "Previous research on rhesus macaques discovered that social rank influenced components of the stress response, brain, and immune system. With gene chip technology for measuring the expression of over 6,000 different genes, Tung, Gilad and colleagues at Yerkes, Emory University, and Johns Hopkins looked for the first time in primates at the effects of social rank on genetic function. Comparing 49 different female monkeys of different rank revealed significant changes in the expression of 987 genes, including 112 genes associated with immune system function. The result fits with data in monkeys where low rank and chronic stress lead to compromised immune function, and, more loosely, with human studies linking low socioeconomic status and high social stress to elevated disease risk. The overall genetic "signature" of expression changes was robust enough that researchers could predict an individual monkey's social rank with high accuracy from their gene expression profile alone" http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-04-social-stress-affects-immune-gene.html GOTO StatusStruggles GOTO StatusRank GOTO PrestigeRankHierarchyZiegenhirtenImpactFactor GOTO DieRitualeDerMHierarchienObSieWollenOderNicht GOTO ResignierteAussteigerinnen GOTO DieUnzufriedenheitBerufstätigerFHatMichAuchÜberrascht GOTO MathematikDerKriegeJungEhrgeizigGewalttätig GOTO DerUSPDerSteinzeitPsyche GOTO UnterwürfigerAnstiegDesWohlbefindens

ChrisFrith @ ucl.ac.uk
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:ChrisFrith @ ucl.ac.uk

Description: Die Englisch-Professorin auf der Party... "So, you use the monster of mechanical reason to kill off our humanity" ... Of course each of us is different but there are also properties of the mind that are common to us all. I do not expect to persuade paople of truth by the power of argument. The only argument I accept comes from prac tical experiments... [Bezeichnenderweise endet sein Buch mit Spiel-Theorie und Kooperation/Konkurrenz durch Egoistische Neurobiologische Belohnungsmechanismen (Spiel-Theorie ist die m.E. am meisten unterschätzte Ressource fürs konstruktive Zusammmenleben)] Altruitstic punishment: "When we punish free riders, we are not trying to increase cooperation or thinking about how the group will benefit in the long term. We get immediate satisfaction from punishing people who have behaved unfairly. Our brain even gives us pleasure from the punishment" Anm. ed.iiQii.de: Der 'homo imaginans' (vgl. McGinn) ist faszinierend zu lesen. Chris Frith hat mehr für die Rehabilitation der niedrigen 'soft science': Psychologie getan, als viele andere Autoren und Wissenschaftler je zuvor. Index und Literaturangeben sind überwältigend. GOTO HelmholtzIsAGoodStudent GOTO BetrügerEntlarvenGelingtBesserAlsLogischDenken

DarrenCroft @ exeter.ac.uk
Aus dem Album:  Science-TheOnlyNews

Überschrift:DarrenCroft @ exeter.ac.uk

Description: Raubtiere - Einzelgänger bei Haispielchen. "Es gibt inzwischen einige Hinweise darauf, dass auch Tiere individuelle Eigenheiten und eine Art Persönlichkeit besitzen. So bevorzugen Schimpansen Freundschaften mit ähnlicher Natur wie sie selbst – frei nach dem Motto: "Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern". Aber selbst bei Spinnen und Honigbienen gibt es soziale und unsozialere Typen sowie Draufgänger und Angsthasen, wie Studien zeigen. Dass sich Haie nicht nur in ihrem Mut oder ihrem Erkundungsdrang unterschieden, sondern sogar verschiedenen soziale Persönlichkeiten besitzen, das belegen nun Beobachtungen an Kleingefleckten Katzenhaien" http://www.scinexx.de/wissen-aktuell-18078-2014-10-02.html GOTO Introvertiert GOTO Vorlautes-#Spatzlhirn-Unterentwickelt GOTO VormachenStattNachäffen GOTO DieSpinnen... GOTO ...dieBienen GOTO TypenGibts...Die3Hauptklassen GOTO FundamentalDifferent

John @ mellencamp.com
Aus dem Album:  ValueCreation

Überschrift:John @ mellencamp.com

Description: Cocktailgeschwätz. 'The business people there were quietly commenting on how unsociable Dylan seemed to them, not what they imagined an encounter with Dylan would be like. When that observation about Dylan's behavior and disposition were mentioned to Nora, the response was very profound. She said that Bob Dylan was not put on this earth to participate in cocktail chatter with strangers'. GOTO OnMyMind "Hätte die Musikindustrie ihre Visionen nicht dem Bilanzwahn der Erbsenzähler geopfert, hätten sich die Musiker sicherlich weiter darauf konzentrieren können, ihre Musik zu machen, statt sie zu vermarkten... 1997 waren Kreativität und die Musiker selbst zweitrangig geworden. Sie hatten sich der Wall Street unterzuordnen, während die Plattenfirmen an die Börse gingen. Die Plattenfirmen betrieben mit ihren Musikern unterdessen einen Ramschverkauf und zwangen sie, ihren neuen Konzernherren in den Arsch zu kriechen. Es ging nur noch darum, die Aktionäre zufrieden zu stellen, um Quartalsbilanzen. Altgediente Mitarbeiter dieser Firmen wurden der Rentabilität geopfert... In der Zwischenzeit machte die Technologie - wie immer - enorme Fortschritte. Für uns Musiker hätte dieser Fortschritt eigentlich nur Vorteile haben sollen... Woody Guthries Tochter Nora erzählte mir einmal eine Geschichte über einen Empfang, auf dem auch Bob Dylan war. Hinter vorgehaltener Hand ließen sich die Menschen aus der Industrie darüber aus, was für ein ungeselliger Mensch dieser Dylan doch sei. Als Nora davon hörte, sagte sie etwas sehr Grundsätzliches. Sie sagte, dass Bob Dylan nicht geboren wurde, um sich am Cocktailgeschwätz fremder Menschen zu beteiligen", SZ, 04.04.09 GOTO DasGeschwaetz GOTO PerelmannNotBorn4CocktailGossip GOTO DerTechnologischeAbgrund GOTO SingDifferent GOTO SingingCanaries

Niccolò Machiavelli @ wikipedia.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:Niccolò Machiavelli @ wikipedia.org

Description: Die Natur der Innovation. "Zwei Dinge sind die Ursache, dass wir uns nicht ändern können. Erstens können wir uns dem nicht widersetzen, wozu unsere Natur sich hinneigt. Zweitens ist es unmöglich, einen Manne, dem durch sein Verhalten viel geglückt ist, zu überzeugen, er könne gut daran tun, anders zu verfahren. Daher kommt es, dass das Glück eines Mannes wechselt; denn die Zeiten wechseln, er aber wechselt nicht sein Verhalten." (vom Staate, 3,9, ca. 1513) 'There are two reasons, why we cannot change us. First we cannot resist to our nature. Second, it's impossible, to convince a man, who succeeded by his actual behaviour, that he could do well by acting different. For that the luck of man changes; for the times-they-are-a-changin, but he doesn't change his behaviour' GOTO Unveränderlich GOTO SchonImmerUnveränderlich GOTO TrogeLayardBraungart GOTO TheTimesTheyAreAChangin GOTO FesthaltenLeichtGemacht

JohnSeelyBrown @ johnseelybrown.com
Irritation Manager
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:JohnSeelyBrown @ johnseelybrown.com Irritation Manager

Description: Chief of Confusion - Why can't we keep things simple? Seeing Differently: Insights on Innovation.

StewartBrand @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:StewartBrand @ edge.org

Description: The same old, boring, disenchanted cycle. "Science is the only news. When you scan through a newspaper or magazine, all the human interest stuff is the same old he-said-she-said, the politics and economics the same sorry cyclic dramas, the fashions a pathetic illusion of newness, and even the technology is predictable if you know the science. Human nature doesn't change much; science does, and the change accrues, altering the world irreversibly." We now live in a world in which the rate of change is the biggest change. Science has thus become a big story." 3rd culture. GOTO Fundamental GOTO FundamentalNature GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO NoMorePunchAndJudyShows

StevenPinker @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:StevenPinker @ edge.org

Description: Individual Perceptions Are Different. "I agree that the qualitative experience is not the key to understanding intelligence from a scientist's point of view. The scientifically tractable aspect of consciousness is not the fact that there are people or animals subjectively experiencing it, but the fact that some kinds of information are mutually accessible and others are not, and that there is therefore a portion of mental information processing that has a different status than the rest of it. That's one sense of consciousness: information that's accessible to a particular body of information-processing involved with the current environment, and which in humans can interface with the verbal apparatus." 3rd culture. What is your dangerous idea? We must be especially suspicious when the danger in a dangerous idea is to someone other than its advocate. Scientists, scholars and writers are members of a privileged elite. They may have an interest in promulgating ideas that justify their privileges, that blame or make light of society's victims, or that earn them attention for cleverness and iconoclasm... But don't the demands of rationality always compel us to seek the complete truth? Not necessarily. Rational agents often choose to be ignorant... Perhaps a similar logic would call for keeping socially harmful information out of the public sphere. GOTO DKeirsey GOTO EMach

Steve Jobs @ 1000bit.net
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:Steve Jobs @ 1000bit.net

Description: Music&More GOTO ThinkDifferent GOTO SingDifferent GOTO BeDifferent GOTO ActDifferent

RichardPFeynman @ feynman.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:RichardPFeynman @ feynman.com

Description: What Do You Care What Other People Think? I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don't know anything about

Frank Zappa@wikipedia
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:Frank Zappa@wikipedia

Description: Normal people. "Being different can be fun, once the fear of hostility from Normal People has been dealt with. Without deviation, progress is not possible. Baby Snakes is a movie about people who do stuff that is not normal... actually it is a tribute to people who do stuff that is not normal, for, without the activities of the Not Normal people in every town, life would be pretty boring", Baby Snakes GOTO BoringDiversity GOTO SingsNormal GOTO NotBorn4NormalCocktailGossip GOTO RehabCorrectionCentre

AndrewFire @ stanford.edu
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:AndrewFire @ stanford.edu

Description: Dieser Mann ist das Anti-Model. So befand es vor ein paar Jahren eine Modezeitschrift, als sie ihren Leserinnen ein Foto von Andrew Fire präsentierte. Ganz überwunden hat der amerikanische Biologe und Mathematiker den Schrecken bis heute nicht. Aber dass ihm jetzt ein Nobelpreis winkt, dürfte ihn über den zweifelhaften Ruhm hinwegtrösten, zum Prototyp des unerotischen Wissenschaftlers erklärt worden zu sein", SZ, 04.10.06 "This man is the anti-model. Found a fashion magazine, presenting its female readers a photo of Andrew Fire. The american mathematician and biologist did not overcome this shock totally until now. But with the award of the nobel prize he is on the rebound, being declared to the prototype of the most unerotic scientist", SZ, 04.10.06 GOTO ExzessDerNichtigkeit GOTO WirQuatschenUnsZuTode GOTO ThinkDifferent! GOTO WeAreGossipingUsToDeath

HenryDavidThoreau @ wikipedia.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:HenryDavidThoreau @ wikipedia.org

Description: Drums. 'If a (wo)man does not keep pace with his(her) companions, perhaps it is because (s)he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which (s)he hears, however measured or far away' Kleider-Ordnung. 'Es ist eine interessante Frage, bis zu welchem Grade die Menschen ihren jeweiligen Rang behalten würden, wenn sie sich ihrer Kleider entledigt hätten. Bekleide eine Vogelscheuche mit deinem neuesten Anzug und stelle dich nackend neben sie – wer würde da nicht zuerst die Vogelscheuche grüßen?' GOTO WorldWildDuckInstitute GOTO Keirsey GOTO Leadership GOTO Schein&Sein

DavidKeirsey @ keirsey.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:DavidKeirsey @ keirsey.com

Description: Different. "People are different in fundamental ways. They want different things; they have different motives, purposes, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses, urges. Nothing is more fundamental than that. They believe differently: they think, cognize, conceptualize, perceive, understand, comprehend, and cogitate differently. And of course, manners of acting and emoting, governed as they are by wants and beliefs, follow suit and differ radically among people." Das zentrale Thema dieses Buches ist die Verschiedenartigkeit von Menschen. Jegliches Bemühen, einen anderen Menschen zu ändern, muß erfolglos bleiben. Zur Veränderung besteht auch kein Grund, da die Verschiedenartigkeit eher etwas Wünschenswertes und nicht etwas Schlechtes bedeutet... Wenn sich andere von uns unterscheiden... schliessen wir oft daraus, dass es sich bei Den Anderen um den Ausdruck zeitweiliger Unvernunft, Schlechtheit, Dummheit oder Krankheit handelt.. Wir sehen es als eine Aufgabe an, diese Mängel zu beseitigen, zumindest bei denen, die uns nahestehen... Der Versuch, andere nach unserem Abbild zu gestalten, ist von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt... GOTO BitteVerstehMich GOTO VerstehDieAnderen GOTO ZielgruppeINTJ:1Prozent GOTO DieHaupt-‚Klassen’UndDerenSichtAufDasWahreUndRichtige

RolfBerth @ rolfberth.de
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:RolfBerth @ rolfberth.de

Description: The Same Old Different Drums. GOTO DieAnderen GOTO DieHaupt-‚Klassen’UndDerenSichtAufDasWahreUndRichtige

JLanier @ jaronlanier.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:JLanier @ jaronlanier.com

Description: Half A Manifesto. "It is important to remember that craft-based cultures can come up with plenty of useful technologies, and that the motivation for our predecessors to embrace the Enlightenment and the ascent of rationality was not just to make more technologies more quickly. There was also the idea of humanism, and a belief in the goodness of rational thinking and understanding. Are we really ready to abandon that? ... My version of the Terror is different. We can already see how the biotechnology industry is setting itself up for decades of expensive software trouble. While there are all sorts of useful databases and modeling packages being developed by biotech firms and labs, they all exist in isolated developmental bubbles. Each such tool expects the world to conform to its requirements. Since the tools are so valuable, the world will do exactly that, but we should expect to see vast resources applied to the problem of getting data from one bubble into another. There is no giant monolithic electronic brain being created with biological knowledge. There is instead a fractured mess of data and modeling fiefdoms. The medium for biological data transfer will continue to be sleep-deprived individual human researchers until some fabled future time when we know how to make software that is good at bridging bubbles on its own. What is a long-term future scenario like in which hardware keeps getting better and software remains mediocre? The great thing about crummy software is the amount of employment it generates. If Moore's law is upheld for another 20 or 30 years, there will not only be a vast amount of computation going on planet Earth, but the maintenance of that computation will consume the efforts of almost every living person. We're talking about a planet of help desks". (the new humanists) GOTO DieMedici GOTO ConfidenceInRawData GOTO QualitaetErmoeglichtFortschritt... GOTO ...STATTReinerSelbstbeschäftigungs-Bürokratie

JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com

Description: The habits and needs of a little-understood group. Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice? If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out?", http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch GOTO Diversity GOTO WildDuckCounts GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO TheEndOfDivisionOfLabour GOTO ALittleUnderstoodGroup

RobertDRamsey @ sagepub.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:RobertDRamsey @ sagepub.com

Description: Leadership. Lead, follow or get out of the way. GOTO Don'tTeachTheCanariesNotToSing GOTO TheOthersSingDifferent GOTO DiversityCounts GOTO TimeForAChange GOTO TheTimesTheyAreAChanging

AlanEustace @ google.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:AlanEustace @ google.com

Description: Diversity. "We believe that in addition to hiring the best talent, the diversity of perspectives, ideas, and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services. This diversity of our employees and partners serves as the foundation for us to better serve our diverse customers and stakeholders all over the world. "Diversity plays a large role in the way we're developing our engineering organization around the world. We're building a large worldwide office presence to establish ample global representation among our engineers, and we're applying that same focus to establish a balanced representation of employees at Google. In the end, these efforts help us more accurately and relevantly represent our users, and our continued success depends on the best minds working from different perspectives and insights." GOTO WildDucksFly

DummyCSchrader @ sueddeutsche.de
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:DummyCSchrader @ sueddeutsche.de

Description: Denn sie wissen was sie tun. "Computer sind doof: Sie kapieren nicht, was ihre Benutzer wollen. Ohne korrekten Befehl klappt nichts, und nicht einmal einen häufig wiederholten Ablauf lernen sie selbständig auswendig. „Die Maschine versteht sehr wenig vom Kontext”, haben jetzt auch Forscher des Software-Konzerns Microsoft erkannt. „Benutzer sind mit der lästigen Aufgabe belastet, jeden kleinen Aspekt ihrer Aktivität selbst zu managen... Die Microsoft-Erfinder wollen medizinische Sensoren und Kameras an den Rechner koppeln: Sie sollen Puls, Atmung, Blutdruck, Hautwiderstand und Muskelspannung erfassen... Wie so oft in der Elektronik hat das Verfahren zwei Seiten. Zum einen soll der Computer die Absicht seines Benutzers und dessen Fortschritte erkennen. Diesem Wissen passt sich die Maschine an und gibt bei Problemen hilfreiche Ratschläge. Dauern die Schwierigkeiten an, schlägt der Rechner, falls er in einem Büro steht, in einer Datenbank nach, wer von den Kollegen schon einmal etwas Ähnliches gemacht hat", SZ, 17.01.08 GOTO HauDenLukas GOTO ThinkDifferent GOTO Don'tListenToUsers

PankajGhemawat @ ghemawat.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:PankajGhemawat @ ghemawat.org

Description: Global Village. "It is essential to recognize the differences between countries which will last for ever. SZ: Why is that essential? PG: The action of enterprises depends on that. A lot of money was destroyed, cause manager believed that fairy tale of the global village... Markets act through different rules. Main activities are still local... SZ: The world doesn't move closer together? PG: 90 % of phone calls, internet traffic or investments are within national borders" Globales Dorf. "Es ist wichtig zu begreifen, dass es Unterschiede zwischen den Staaten gibt, die bestehen bleiben... SZ: Warum ist das so wichtig? Ghemawat: Weil davon das Handeln der Unternehmen abhängt, der kleinen wie der großen. Es ist viel Geld vernichtet worden, weil Manager die Mär vom globalen Dorf geglaubt haben... Die Märkte funktionieren dennoch nach unterschiedlichen Regeln. Der Großteil aller Aktivitäten geschieht nach wie vor lokal... SZ: Rückt die Welt nicht zusammen? Ghemawat: Nicht so, wie es das Wort von der „flachen Welt” suggeriert. Selbst Telefongespräche, Internetverkehr oder Investitionen bleiben zu 90 Prozent innerhalb der Landesgrenzen", SZ, 21.01.08 GOTO Heimat GOTO Fremde GOTO FremdeHeimat GOTO HeimatFremde GOTO GeschichteDieserWelt

LincolnStein @ cshl.org
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:LincolnStein @ cshl.org

Description: Evolutionary Rivalry. "During the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, Italy was fragmented into dozens of rival city-states controlled by such legendary families as the Estes, Viscontis and Medicis. Though picturesque, this political fragmentation was ultimately damaging to science and commerce because of the lack of standardization in everything from weights and measures to the tax code to the currency to the very dialects people spoke... The old city-states of Italy are an apt metaphor for bioinformatics today. The field is dominated by rival groups, each promoting its web sites, services and data formats... The researcher may find herself devoting as much time adjusting to differences in presentation of the data as she does actually thinking about them", Nature 417, 119-120 (9 May 2002) | doi:10.1038/417119a GOTO TheNatureOfKnowledgeConfidence GOTO ITInhibitsProgress GOTO DifferentDisciplines GOTO DifferentWorlds GOTO TeamReward GOTO CanalGrande GOTO TheNeverEndingStory

FloydDewhirstBrucePaster @ forsyth.harvard.edu
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:FloydDewhirstBrucePaster @ forsyth.harvard.edu

Description: Somehow not known. "Approximately 600 different species of bacteria have been identified from the human mouth, although any one person may have only a third of this number. The majority of these species are compatible with oral health, but a minority have been shown to be associated with diseases, such as tooth decay and periodontal disease. Forty-four percent of these species have been cultured and named by microbiologists. Another 11 percent have been cultured, but are not yet named. Forty-five percent have not yet been cultured and are known from molecular studies that recognize the DNA fingerprints of these uncultivated species. Investigators are currently examining the link between certain oral bacteria and systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and preterm delivery", http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-03/fi-slh032408.php GOTO SomehowSmallAren'tThey? GOTO SomehowEvolutionaryReasonable GOTO TheSomehowPsychosomaticDiseases

ThorsteinVeblen @ geocities.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:ThorsteinVeblen @ geocities.com

Description: Die Theorie Der Feinen Leute. ist einer der scharfsinnigsten und brillantesten Beiträge zur Soziologie des Prestiges, die wir kennen; ein klassisches Werk der Gesellschaftskritik, das intelligent und höchst lebhaft sich mit Institutionen, Sitten, Gebräuchen, kollektiven Denkgewohnheiten auseinandersetzt... Er ging durchs Leben als ob er aus einer anderen Welt stamme... eine Ansammlung von Exzentrizitäten... mit dem analytischen Blick eines Individuums, das nicht am endlosen menschlichen Reigen teilhatte... Als Flucht dieser zeitweiligen Abgeschiedenheit und lebenslangen Distanz entstand eines der pointiertesten Bücher, dessen sich die Sozial- und Wirtschafts-Wissnschaften rühmen können.. Er war überzeugt davon, dass es letztendlich nicht Ziel eines jeden Arbeiters war, Gleicher in einer Masse von Gleichen zu sein... Er war sich sicher, dass Menschen nicht gleich sein wollen, sondern ungleich, nämlich besser, reicher und schöner als ihre Nachbarn-und dies nicht nur im stillen Kämmerlein, sondern so, daß möglichst viele es wahrnehmen", aus: 'Uhl/Voland: Angeber haben mehr vom Leben' GOTO Different GOTO RitualeGebräucheTrommeln GOTO DifferentDrums GOTO Prestige GOTO DasEndloseMenschlicheReigen GOTO NoCocktailParty GOTO DieGestörten

CGJung @ wikimedia.org
© Samuel Grant
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:CGJung @ wikimedia.org © Samuel Grant

Description: "It is not the purpose of a psychological typology to classify human beings into categories - this in itself would be pretty pointless." (Zitat von C. G. Jung) Zu Deutsch in etwa: Es ist nicht der Zweck einer psychologischen Typologie, Menschen in Kategorien aufzuteilen - das an sich wäre ziemlich sinnlos", http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keirsey_Temperament_Sorter Anm. ed.iiQii.de: Als zutiefst introvertierter Idealist mit 'absurden Theorien' niemals ernstgenommen worden, obgleich heutzutage weltweit(!) praktisch jegliche Personalarbeit hierin ihre Wurzeln hat, vgl. D. Keirsey, Myer-Briggs, R. Berth, S. Reiss, E. Schein, etc. etc. vgl. auch E.P. Fischer & Gunther Dueck GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO DieHaupt-‚Klassen’UndDerenSichtAufDasWahreUndRichtige

BB @ benjaminbarber.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:BB @ benjaminbarber.com

Description: The Tyranny Of Pseudo Events & Illusion - epistemological deficit. Epistemology signifies the "science of knowing" and expresses a civilizational conviction that truth, objectivity, science, fact and reason are fundamentally different from opinion, subjectivity, prejudice, feeling and irrationality. The science of knowing insists on the fundamental distinction made by the Greeks between episteme (true knowledge) and doxa (opinion or prejudice, a root of our word "orthodoxy"). The Greeks understood that there is a potent difference between knowledge claims rooted in reason, or in facts that reflect some version of a real or objective world, and the subjective opinions by which we advertise our personal prejudices. We may not always be able to agree on what counts as real knowledge rather than mere prejudice, but we can and must agree on the criteria by which the distinction is made. Indeed, our science, our society and our democratic culture depend on the distinction... The trouble is that when we merely feel and opine, persuaded that there is no possible way our opinion can be controverted or challenged, having an opinion is the same as being "right." Being right quickly comes to trump being creditable and provable, and we lose the core democratic faculty of admitting that we might be wrong, and that our views must be judged by some criterion other than how deeply we hold them... The Greeks used to say "right opinion" (orthodoxia). Aristotle was especially alert to the need for a kind of practical wisdom in the political sphere, when episteme was not available. He called it phronesis and was at pains to distinguish it from mere opinion... None of this means science is "absolutely true" or that belief is false. But what is true is that science is falsifiable and belief is not... Daniel Boorstin, a former Librarian of Congress, wrote, "We risk being the first people in history to have been able to make their illusions so vivid, so persuasive, so 'realistic' that they can live in them. We are the most illusioned people on earth." The tyranny most corrosive to democracy is not the tyranny of money but the tyranny of illusion. As Chris Hedges says in his book Empire of Illusion, "A populace deprived of the ability to separate lies from truth, that has become hostage to the fictional semblance of reality put forth by pseudo-events, is no longer capable of sustaining a free society." http://www.benjaminbarber.com/AmericasKnowledgeDeficit_TheNation_11_29.PDF GOTO Know-Nothingism GOTO GreekAdvice4TheHarvardKids GOTO ProudToBeHeretic GOTO DerWohligeIdealismusZustand

PollyLaBarre @ managementeXchange.com
Aus dem Album:  Die iiQii-Philosophie

Überschrift:PollyLaBarre @ managementeXchange.com

Description: All change is against the rules. Innovation durch dressierte Äffchen? ""Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM." That chestnut has morphed from sales proposition to object lesson on the perils of clinging to convention in less than a generation. We've ditched the dark suits and "sincere" ties of our father's IBM for black turtlenecks and jeans, and we've embraced the "think different" ethos of Apple's celebrated campaign: "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in square holes. The ones who see things differently." Making your organization a home for heretics just might be the best way of making sure it has a future. That's the case Carmen Medina makes. Medina, who spent her nearly 32-year career "being a heretic" inside the CIA, one of the most tightly controlled organizations on earth, argues that "all change is against the rules" http://www.managementexchange.com/blog/your-organization-fit-heretics

JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:JonathanRauch @ jonathanrauch.com

Description: The habits and needs of a little-understood group. Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice? If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out?", http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch GOTO Diversity GOTO WildDuckCounts GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO TheEndOfDivisionOfLabour

Peter-ClaudiusEngel l peter-engel.com
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:Peter-ClaudiusEngel l peter-engel.com

Description: "Barely 7% of the charisma of man -so the scientific results- have to do with what one 's a y s'. 40% is due to the sound of his voice. And 53% are due to the optical appearance. 'Equity voice&speech ltd.' concentrates without compromises to these 93%" Notice from ed.iiQii.de: Welcome to the reality. 0% of success depends on knowledge, competence and action, particularly implementation of lip services. We concentrate without compromises to this 0%. Scientists & engineers of all countries unite: No punch & judy show between 8:00 and 18:00. Think different! "Ob Produktpräsentation, Verkaufsgespräch, Betriebsversammlung oder Konferenz, häufig scheitert ein guter Stoff an einer schwachen Vermittlung. Es wird viel Zeit in die inhaltliche Vorbereitung von Gesprächen und Präsentationen investiert, jedoch wenig in Gesprächsklima, Stimme und Ausdruck... Gerade mal sieben Prozent der Ausstrahlung eines Menschen – so die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse - haben mit dem zu tun, was er 's a g t'. 40% verdankt er dem Klang seiner Stimme. Und 53% entfallen auf die äußere Erscheinung. 'Eigenkapital Stimme & Sprache' konzentriert sich kompromisslos auf diese 93%" Anmerkung ed.iiQii.de: Natürlich geben wir P.C.Engel zu 100% recht! - die Realität ist genau so: 0% des Erfolgs hängt vom fachlichen Wissen, Können und Handeln, v.a. Umsetzen von Lippenbekenntnissen ab. D e s h a l b setzen wir kompromisslos auf die 0 %. GOTO WirQuatschenUnsZuTode GOTO Erfolgs-Leiter GOTO Windprüfung GOTO AFireForCommonSense Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aller Länder vereinigt euch! Kein Kasperltheater zwischen 8 und 18 Uhr! Ab 18 Uhr gibt's schöne Aufführungen für eure Kinder.

StefanKaduk @ musterbrecher.de
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:StefanKaduk @ musterbrecher.de

Description: Nullaussage-Worthülsen-Rhetorik. "Bereits Mitte der siebziger Jahre stellten kluge Organisationssoziologen fest, vor allem John Meyer und Brian Rowan, dass Organisationen immer gleichförmiger werden. Sie nannten dieses Phänomen Isomorphie.... Gleichförmiges Verhalten sichert Legitimation, sorgt für Vertrauen, das mit den bekannten Elementen verhältnismäßig risikolos einzuwerben ist... Anderssein lautet die große Herausforderung, die allerdings in gesättigten Märkten substantiell kaum bewältigt werden kann. Demzufolge wird oft versucht, sich durch bloße Rhetorik abzugrenzen. Man denke an ein Konservenregal im Supermarkt, in dem plötzlich ein Produkt mit dem Namen „Das andere Apfelmus” auftaucht. Oder an Beratungsunternehmen, die zwar das klassische Programm gemäß dem Schema „Analyse-Konzeption-Umsetzung” anbieten, aber dennoch versprechen, dabei gänzlich anders als andere vorzugehen. Die elitäre Variante der Anderssein-Strategie lautet Exzellenz. Doch diese und viele weitere Begriffe sind inzwischen bis zur Nullaussage entwertet worden. Sie werden zu Nervensägen im Geschäftsalltag und taugen nicht mehr zur Differenzierung. Wenn nach Alleinstellungsmerkmalen gefahndet wird, werden Phrasen und Worthülsen gefunden, die irgendwo zwischen Bullshit-Bingo und Marketing-Scrabble liegen...", SZ, 15.03.08 GOTO GraueAktenZuBuntenFolien GOTO InnovationDurchIsomorphie GOTO SurvivalOfTheMostFitted GOTO AufDerSucheNachIrgendeinemUSPUnter6Mrd GOTO AufgemöbelteTrivialitäten GOTO DifferenceIsNoHandicap GOTO SingDifferent GOTO DieOekonomieDerGrafikenTabellenUndWarmenWorte

SteveDenning @ stevedenning.com
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:SteveDenning @ stevedenning.com

Description: Language Of Leadership. "Communication between human beings doesn't function in the way we've been taught to expect, with people systematically processing information and carefully listening to reason and analysis. To become effective leaders, we have to adjust some of our most fundamental assumptions. The truth is that we've been living for several millennia with some counterproductive myths. They push us to go on acting ineffectively, often achieving the opposite of what we want. For too long, we imagined that leadership and change were the work of a few exceptional people. We were mistaken. In fact, leadership and change are driven by ordinary people who speak and act in a different way. Once we learn the language of leadership, then we can all drive change if we want to... the language of leadership is a language with simple principles and patterns and sequences that can make any worthwhile change idea resonate and sing... The difference between generating resistance and enthusiasm is narrower than we imagine. Through the language of leadership, ordinary people can have extraordinary impact." Note from ed.iiQii.de: Of course SD is right, the reality of Gorgias since 2000 years- the time killer application for all of us, talking instead of innovation. GOTO WeAreGossipingUsToDeath GOTO TheTalkingDoingGap GOTO SimplePatternsForAComplexWorld?

ArikKershenbaum @ academia.edu
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:ArikKershenbaum @ academia.edu

Description: Spatzenhirn-Ausgrenzung im Autopilot-Modus. @Spatzlhirn "Was hat das Quietschen und Grunzen eines Klippschliefermännchens mit dem Gesang der Nachtigall gemeinsam? – Nicht viel scheint es, und doch: Israelischen Forschern zufolge produzieren die kuriosen Mini-Verwandten der Elefanten Klangfolgen mit einem komplexen Aufbau, ähnlich wie Singvögel. Darüber hinaus scheinen die sozial lebenden Tiere die Lieder voneinander zu lernen, denn die Männchen unterschiedlicher Klippschliefergemeinschaften haben ihre eigenen Tonfolgen" http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/315400.html GOTO UneingeschränktWeltoffenMitDialektOhneArbeitsmarkt GOTO Glaubwürdig... GOTO ...MitAkzent GOTO ...MitSpatzenhirn GOTO SingDifferent GOTO SozialeHomophilie

PeterMaffay @ wikipedia.org
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Smalltown_Boy, gemeinfrei
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:PeterMaffay @ wikipedia.org http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Smalltown_Boy, gemeinfrei

Description: Peter Alexander Makkay, 62 "...hatte zeit seines Lebens mit Vorurteilen wegen seiner Aussprache zu kämpfen. "Es gibt hier Schmalspurdenker, die einen zynisch diskriminieren, wenn etwas ein bisschen anders klingt - selbst Leute, von denen man denken würde, dass sie aufgrund von Bildung zu besseren Reaktionen in der Lage wären", SZ, 22.08.12 GOTO Schmalspurdenker-Ausgrenzung GOTO Spatzenhirn GOTO SelbstDurchBildungNichtSteuerbar GOTO BessereDiskriminierung GOTO Schmalspurdialekt-Arbeitsmarkt GOTO Schmalspursänger-SingDifferent

IsaacPlanas @ ulb.ac.be
Aus dem Album:  KeyPerformance

Überschrift:IsaacPlanas @ ulb.ac.be

Description: Think Different "Mutig oder scheu? Sozial oder eher einzelgängerisch? Bei uns Menschen und vielen Säugetieren ist klar: Jeder ist anders und hat eine individuelle Persönlichkeit. Und sogar bei einigen sozialen Insekten haben Forscher in den letzten Jahren Hinweise auf individuelle Wesenszüge entdeckt. Der neueste Zuwachs in der Riege der Tiere mit Persönlichkeit kommt allerdings auch für Biologen eher überraschend. Denn es handelt sich ausgerechnet um die eher wenig beliebten Kakerlaken", http://www.wissenschaft.de/leben-umwelt/biologie/-/journal_content/56/12054/5692281/Auch-Schaben-haben-eine-Pers%C3%B6nlichkeit/ GOTO SchlussMitUmerziehungslager GOTO VonSpinnen... GOTO Fischen... GOTO Bienen... GOTO Haien... GOTO Affen... GOTO MenschenAffen... GOTO Different! GOTO PeinlichesVerhör-Lebenslänglich

LynnMargulis @ wikipedia.org
© Javier Pedreira
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:LynnMargulis @ wikipedia.org © Javier Pedreira

Description: Unruly Life. "I became aware that other genetic systems with different inheritance patterns exist. From the beginning, I was curious about these unruly genes that weren't in the nucleus. The most famous of them was a cytoplasmic gene called "killer," which, in the protist Paramecium aurelia, followed certain rules of inheritance. The killer gene, after twenty years of intense work and shifting paradigmatic ideas, turns out to be in a virus inside a symbiotic bacterium. Nearly all extranuclear genes are derived from bacteria or other sorts of microbes. In the search for what genes outside the nucleus really are, I became more and more aware that they're cohabiting entities, live beings. Live small cells reside inside the larger cells." 3rd culture. GOTO BMcClintock GOTO PEwald

EvaHarris @ berkeley.edu
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:EvaHarris @ berkeley.edu www.ssilink.org

Description: Sustainable Sciences Institute. DIY-Science. "Eva Harris is professor for infectious diseases at the Berkeley university. She has become famous for the role of a female Robin Hood. Eva Harris takes of the rich and gives to the poor - not money, but knowledge. She donates people in developing countries with methods being unaffordable there. In the developed countries a PCR thermocycler for duplicating DNA is about 10.000 $. In workshops she teaches to use three water baths with different temperatures. A disc player mutates to a mixer, a liquor bottle serves to breed bacteria; a blender is used instead of a centrifuge" "Eva Harris arbeitet als Professorin für Infektionskrankheiten an der University of California in Berkeley. Bekannt aber wurde die Biotechnologin in der Rolle eines weiblichen Robin Hood: Eva Harris nimmt den Reichen und gibt den Armen – nicht Geld und Juwelen. Aber Wissen. Sie beschenkt Menschen in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern mit Methoden, die dort unerschwinglich sind... In der industrialisierten Welt verwendet man für die PCR eine 10 000 Dollar teure Maschine, einen so genannten Thermocycler, der die verschiedenen Temperaturen liefert, die beim Prozess der DNS-Vervielfältigung gebraucht werden. In den Workshops bringen Harris und Kollegen den Einheimischen dagegen bei, dass man genauso gut drei Wasserbäder mit den erforderlichen Temperaturen verwenden und die Reagenzgläschen mit der DNS von einem Wasserbad zum anderen bewegen kann... Einen Plattenspieler kann man in eine Rührmaschine verwandeln, die Schnapspulle wird zur neuen Heimat für Bakterienkulturen, als Alternative zur Zentrifuge dient schon mal ein Mixer", SZ, 09.04.04 GOTO TheNewHumanists

ArlieHochschild @ berkeley.edu
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:ArlieHochschild @ berkeley.edu

Description: The Time Bind - Shift in Happiness. "Women are not actually working more than they were 30 or 40 years ago. They are instead doing different kinds of work... What has changed — and what seems to be the most likely explanation for the happiness trends — is that women now have a much longer to-do list than they once did (including helping their aging parents). They can’t possibly get it all done, and many end up feeling as if they are somehow falling short... Although women have flooded into the work force, American society hasn’t fully come to grips with the change.", NYT, 26.09.07 GOTO TheDailyGrind

EmilyBalcetis @ psych.nyu.edu
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:EmilyBalcetis @ psych.nyu.edu

Description: Wishful Seeing. "Our personal desires may bias the way we view our surroundings. When volunteers threw beanbags toward gift cards of different values, throws toward a $25 gift card fell shorter than throws toward a $0 gift card, suggesting that volunteers perceived the more valuable gift card as being nearer to them. These findings indicate we perceive desirable objects as being physically closer to us, possibly helping to motivate us to reach our goals", 12 / 2010 http://www.psychologicalscience.org/members/PSsage.cfm?article=10.1177 GOTO Wunschdenken GOTO SomehowBiased GOTO Begründungszwang

TanjaLatty @ usyd.edu.au
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:TanjaLatty @ usyd.edu.au

Description: Fruit flies and slime molds: http://www.shaviro.com/Blog/?p=955 Bei Entscheidungsfindungen geht Schnelligkeit zu Lasten der Genauigkeit "Wer Entscheidungen unter Zeitdruck fällen muss, trifft oft die falsche Wahl. Schleimpilzen geht es da nicht anders als den Menschen, wie zwei australische Biologinnen jetzt in Experimenten mit den Einzellern herausgefunden haben. Fehlentscheidungen waren dabei zudem umso wahrscheinlicher, je mehr die Organismen unter Stress standen. Derartige Zusammenhänge seien bislang vom Menschen und diversen Tierarten bekannt, die Liste müsse nun entsprechend erweitert werden, berichtenTanya Latty und Madeleine Beekman von der University of Sydney" www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/311887.html GOTO KapitaleFehlentscheidung-DümmerAlsDieEvolutionErlaubt GOTO SingDifferent GOTO AllgemeineSchnellAusgrenzung GOTO MentaleDiabetes GOTO EffektiveRoutineEffizienz GOTO SchnellerReden GOTO AUTOPILOT

CarmenMedina @ black-collegian.com
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:CarmenMedina @ black-collegian.com http://www.black-collegian.com/career/medina805.shtml

Description: INSIDE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE INNOVATION "Making your organization a home for heretics just might be the best way of making sure it has a future. That's the case Carmen Medina makes. Medina, who spent her nearly 32-year career "being a heretic" inside the CIA, one of the most tightly controlled organizations on earth, argues that "all change is against the rules"... if we want originality, invention, game-changing disruption—if we want to keep up with the times and stay ahead of the pack—we need to fill our organizations with people who ignore the rules, flout convention, defy the gravity of the status quo, question constantly, and experiment fearlessly. We need the rebels and the troublemakers because, as Apple's Think Different campaign put it, "they change things. They push the human race forward." http://www.managementexchange.com/blog/your-organization-fit-heretics via Gregory Esau: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115633934578783827271 GOTO WhyWeNeedSUCH-YoungHeretics GOTO WirLiebenDieLiebenInnovatoren-Seit2500Jahren GOTO KarriereTippsFürFortgeschrittene GOTO I-SAID-NO-NO-NO

ES @ emelisande.com
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:ES @ emelisande.com

Description: Read all about it: You've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue You've spent a life time stuck in silence afraid you'll say something wrong If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song? So come, on come on Come on, come on You've got a heart as loud as lions So why let your voice be tamed? Baby we're a little different there's no need to be ashamed You've got the light to fight the shadows so stop hiding it away" GOTO SingDifferent GOTO Without Deviation NO Progress

NicolasGueguen @ sacreebordee.com
Aus dem Album:  Querdenkerinnen

Überschrift:NicolasGueguen @ sacreebordee.com

Description: Guitar. Red. Tattoo. "Without a tattoo they were approached 10% of the time, but with the tattoo this shot up to 24%. Not only that but the tattoo increased the speed with which men approached from 35 minutes up to 24 minutes" http://www.spring.org.uk/2013/06/a-womans-tattoo-doubles-the-chance-of-a-man-approaching.php "He was told to approach women. "Hello. My name’s Antoine. I just want to say that I think you’re really pretty" Then he smiled and gazed into their eyes. The poor chap had to do this in three different conditions while holding either: a guitar case, a sports bag or, no bag at all. What happened was that when he wasn't holding anything he got a number 14% of the time. The sports bag, though, put women off and dropped his average to just 9%. It was the guitar case that did the trick, bumping up his chances to 31%. http://www.spring.org.uk/2013/05/the-incredible-dating-power-of-a-guitar-case.php GOTO BlackMagicWoman GOTO BlackMagicWomanInRed GOTO RedTwins GOTO WachhundInRot-#system1-Rabatt

Peter-ClaudiusEngel l peter-engel.com
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:Peter-ClaudiusEngel l peter-engel.com

Description: "Barely 7% of the charisma of man -so the scientific results- have to do with what one 's a y s'. 40% is due to the sound of his voice. And 53% are due to the optical appearance. 'Equity voice&speech ltd.' concentrates without compromises to these 93%" Notice from ed.iiQii.de: Welcome to the reality. 0% of success depends on knowledge, competence and action, particularly implementation of lip services. We concentrate without compromises to this 0%. Scientists & engineers of all countries unite: No punch & judy show between 8:00 and 18:00. Think different! "Ob Produktpräsentation, Verkaufsgespräch, Betriebsversammlung oder Konferenz, häufig scheitert ein guter Stoff an einer schwachen Vermittlung. Es wird viel Zeit in die inhaltliche Vorbereitung von Gesprächen und Präsentationen investiert, jedoch wenig in Gesprächsklima, Stimme und Ausdruck... Gerade mal sieben Prozent der Ausstrahlung eines Menschen – so die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse - haben mit dem zu tun, was er 's a g t'. 40% verdankt er dem Klang seiner Stimme. Und 53% entfallen auf die äußere Erscheinung. 'Eigenkapital Stimme & Sprache' konzentriert sich kompromisslos auf diese 93%" Anmerkung ed.iiQii.de: Natürlich geben wir P.C.Engel zu 100% recht! - die Realität ist genau so: 0% des Erfolgs hängt vom fachlichen Wissen, Können und Handeln, v.a. Umsetzen von Lippenbekenntnissen ab. D e s h a l b setzen wir kompromisslos auf die 0 %. GOTO WirQuatschenUnsZuTode GOTO SHofert GOTO SMueller GOTO AFire Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aller Länder vereinigt euch! Kein Kasperltheater zwischen 8 und 18 Uhr! Ab 18 Uhr gibt's schöne Aufführungen für eure Kinder.

Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink


Description: 'Stimme ist wichtiges Kriterium für Karriere' Studie zeigt: Karriereanwärter mit guter Stimme und Sprechweise werden vorgezogen, aber objektive Bewertung erfolgt nur selten Eine neue Studie des Netzwerks stimme.at zeigt den steigenden Einfluss von Stimme und Sprechweise auf Karriereentscheidungen. Stimme sorgt machtvoll, aber unbewusst für Faszination, Sympathie und Durchsetzungsvermögen bei Medienauftritten, Präsentationen, am Telefon und im Kundenkontakt. Den größten Unmut rufen mangelnde Stimme und Sprechweise bei Präsentationen, Vorträgen, Bewerbungsgesprächen, Sitzungen und Schulungen hervor. Doch mangelt es an Kriterien, den Karrierefaktor Stimme auch objektiv zu bewerten. Überraschendes Potential: Nur 43 Prozent der Führungskräfte in Deutschland und Österreich werden als sehr sicher im Ausdruck eingeschätzt. Befragt wurden Führungskräfte, Personalentscheider, Personalentwickler, Weiterbildungsverantwortliche und Personalberater in Deutschland und Österreich. Helene Karmasin präsentierte die Studienergebnisse im Rahmen des VII. Int. Voice Symposiums in Salzburg. http://www.platinum-news.de/pn-630-stimme-ist-wichtiges-kriterium-fuer-karriere-studie-zeigt-k.html Think different! www.thesahara.net/dylan_bob.htm GOTO PCEngel

ManfredBischoff @ eads.com
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:ManfredBischoff @ eads.com

Description: Endlich. Die Milliarden-Investitionsruine hat einen Namen. "Das Problem von EADS sei, „dass die Gruppe zwei strategische Aktionäre hat, die unglücklicherweise durch nationale Grenzen getrennt sind.” Er forderte, „dieser Lager-Mentalität, wo sie auftritt,” ein Ende zu setzen", SZ, 04.04.07 GOTO ThinkDifferent

StephenKosslyn @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:StephenKosslyn @ edge.org

Description: WHAT SHAPE ARE A GERMAN SHEPHERD'S EARS? "The 'Reality Simulation Principle' can also be used to acquire self-knowledge. Try this one out. Imagine it’s dusk, you’re walking alone, and you’re late. You start to walk faster and then notice a short-cut through an alley. It’s getting a little dark, but you really don’t want to be late, so you start to go towards it, and you notice that there are three guys lingering near the mouth of the alley. Now think about a first scenario: The three guys look like they’re 20 years old, are wearing long droopy shorts, dirty t-shirts, baseball caps that are on backwards, and are smoking cigarettes. As you get close, they stop talking, and all three heads swivel and fixate on you and start tracking you. How do you feel? Now try the same thing, except instead of those three guys, make them three balding middle-age, overweight accountants wearing suits. They’re standing there smoking cigarettes, and their heads swivel as they track you. How do you feel now? You can start simulating the effects of different attributes. For example, what if the guys are black or Latino teenagers. How do you feel?" (the new humanists) GOTO Heimat GOTO R.Putnam GOTO Naisbitt GOTO M.Banaji

PeterSacks @ petersacks.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:PeterSacks @ petersacks.org

Description: Standardized Minds For A Complex World. "Americans harbor the collective deceit that most of the necessary academic attributes of schools, school children, applicants to colleges and universities, and even prospective employees can be neatly summed up with a single number–a test score. Defenders of this system call it meritocracy. More likely it’s a pseudo-meritocracy, governed by a cult of measurement and the triumph of technocratic thinking. Many Americans believe in the comforting illusion that test scores permit their important institutions to rank, rate, and sort schools, students, and job applicants with nearly infallible precision. The numbers don’t lie–or so we like to think. What’s more, we’ve created a postmodern oddity in which one’s potential for real-life achievement in school or work has become more powerful and real than one’s actual achievement. We tend to forget that standardized tests are but distant and abstruse abstractions of the real world and all its rich complexity" http://bostonreview.net/BR25.6/sacks.html GOTO DifferentDrums GOTO StandardizedLameDuck GOTO InnovationByConformation GOTO Groupthink&Mainstream GOTO EvolutionaryRichnessByDifference

SteveDenning @ stevedenning.com
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:SteveDenning @ stevedenning.com

Description: Language Of Leadership. "Communication between human beings doesn't function in the way we've been taught to expect, with people systematically processing information and carefully listening to reason and analysis. To become effective leaders, we have to adjust some of our most fundamental assumptions. The truth is that we've been living for several millennia with some counterproductive myths. They push us to go on acting ineffectively, often achieving the opposite of what we want. For too long, we imagined that leadership and change were the work of a few exceptional people. We were mistaken. In fact, leadership and change are driven by ordinary people who speak and act in a different way. Once we learn the language of leadership, then we can all drive change if we want to... the language of leadership is a language with simple principles and patterns and sequences that can make any worthwhile change idea resonate and sing... The difference between generating resistance and enthusiasm is narrower than we imagine. Through the language of leadership, ordinary people can have extraordinary impact." Note from ed.iiQii.de: Of course SD is right, the reality of Gorgias since 2000 years- the time killer application for all of us, talking instead of innovation. GOTO WeAreGossipingUsToDeath GOTO TheTalkingDoingGap

AdriannaCJenkins @ telegraph.co.uk
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:AdriannaCJenkins @ telegraph.co.uk

Description: The Others Judgement. "It might help explain why people who learn some small piece of information about some other person... may have difficulty communicating with that person on a variety of topics", http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=politically-correct-why-g "What's perhaps most interesting about the research," she explains, "is that it suggests that we may automatically think about the minds of other people in the way in which we think about ourselves, but that this courtesy may be automatically restricted to those we perceive at first glance to be similar." "Once you have a little piece of information about someone being similar to you or different, you seem to take it and run with it. You may think they are similar to you across the board, even though you may not have much reason to think this. It is rather surprising", www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/03/17/scibrain117.xml GOTO BrainDivisionStereotypingReligiousConflictAndRacism GOTO DifferentDrums GOTO DifferentEars GOTO TheOthers GOTO Amygdala GOTO Klapsodivismus GOTO UnterredungsErfahrung GOTO Brain-Groupthink-Innovation GOTO StilleReflexe

JohnRHibbing @ unl.edu
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:JohnRHibbing @ unl.edu

Description: The View Of The Others - Stubbornly Resistant To Reason. "A provocative article in the latest issue of New Scientist cites several studies that indicate political positions are 'substantially determined by biology and can be stubbornly resistant to reason.' This has implications on (political) campaigns. In newsrooms and bars across the land, liberals and conservatives are ... trying to convince each other that their way of thinking is right. They may be wasting their breath. The magazine quotes John Alford, a political scientist at Rice University in Houston, Texas: “These views are deep-seated and built into our brains. Trying to persuade someone not to be a liberal is like trying to persuade someone not to have brown eyes. We have to rethink persuasion.” One thing is clear, says Alford. “We spend a lot of energy getting upset with the other side...we often think our opponents are misinformed or stubborn. Accepting that people are born with some of their views changes that.” New Scientist, 02.02.08 / www.indianexpress.com/story/275904.html GOTO FoundamentalDifferent GOTO DiversityManagement GOTO InnovationByReason GOTO TimeForAChange GOTO OpenMinded GOTO NoddingApprovingly

Aussenseiter @ co-matrix.de
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:Aussenseiter @ co-matrix.de

Description: Mixed Team. Es kommt letztlich darauf an, eine längerfristige Bindung zwischen dem Unternehmen und den freien Spezialisten aufzubauen. Andernfalls sind die ,Mixed Teams' rasch ein Zeichen für schlechtes Management..." In dem Moment, in dem ein Projekt abgeschlossen ist, in dem der Spezialist von außen durch die Tür verschwindet, verschwinde auch das geschaffene Wissen: eine letztlich dann also doch teure, nicht ganz durchdachte Investition... "Wenn man Spezialisten von außen heranzieht", sagt Laick, der etwa auf Spezialisten zurückgreift, wenn fremde Märkte erschlossen werden, "muss man zumindest auf die Persönlichkeit achten und ihn behandeln wie eigene Mitarbeiter auch, um nicht das Team zu sprengen.", FAZ, 22.03.08 GOTO AussenseiterWillkommen GOTO TeamEssentials GOTO NotWe-TheOthersAreDifferent GOTO Diversity GOTO ErfahrungsWissenBilanzierung

NikolasWesterhoff @ zedat.fu-berlin.de
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:NikolasWesterhoff @ zedat.fu-berlin.de

Description: Die Innovation Der Veränderung. "Wer als Kind weniger offen für neue Erfahrungen war als Gleichaltrige, der hängt auch im Erwachsenenalter stärker an Gewohntem. Der Offenere ist auch Jahre später noch der im Vergleich Offenere, zeigte der Psychologe Richard Robins von der University of California in Längsschnittstudien. Erstaunlicherweise sind bereits Kinder im Sandkasten unterschiedlich empfänglich für Neues. Manche wollen immer auf den einen Spielplatz, andere langweilt es, zwei Tage hintereinander mit derselben Schaufel spielen zu müssen... Studien der Persönlichkeitsforscher Paul Costa und Robert McCrae belegen: Bis Anfang zwanzig wächst die Bereitschaft von Menschen, sich neuen Erfahrungen zu öffnen. Danach nimmt die Faszination des Neuen jedoch kontinuierlich ab. Mit zunehmendem Alter werden Menschen immer resistenter gegen Veränderungen... Wie schwer es ist, sich zu ändern, haben die Psychologen Janet Polivy und Peter Herman von der University of Toronto in zahlreichen Studien erkundet. Gerade demjenigen, der große Veränderungen anstrebt, so deren Erkennnis, misslingen häufig die kleinsten Korrekturen. Ebenso schwer wie ein kompletter Umbruch fallen moderate Änderungen, also fünf Kilo abzunehmen oder zehn Zigaretten weniger am Tag zu rauchen. Je stärker Menschen davon überzeugt sind, das Ruder problemlos herumreißen zu können, desto weniger gut gelingt es ihnen", SZ, 07.06.08 GOTO AltersStarrsinn GOTO DerWertDerÄltestenschaft GOTO GewohnheitsVeränderungsIllusion GOTO FalseHopeSyndrom GOTO ThinkDifferent GOTO StubbornlyResistant-SelbstgebastelteWunschkaskaden GOTO RedenIstSilber

GuyBrowning @ officepolitics.co.uk
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:GuyBrowning @ officepolitics.co.uk

Description: How work really works. "Getting ahead in business means getting noticed, but working hard makes you almost invisible. Therefore it's a lot better to work hard at getting yourself noticed. What senior management likes more than anything else is junior managers who show signs of initiative and volunteer to do things. Most of the reason for this is that the more junior managers volunteer to do, the less senior managers will have to do themselves. Of course, volunteering for things and doing things are two different matters", http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2006/oct/18/workandcareers.healthandwellbeing GOTO HowToSurviveTheOffice GOTO HowToGetNoticed GOTO DieKarriereDerAufmerksamkeits-Ökonomie

B.F.Skinner @ wikimedia.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:B.F.Skinner @ wikimedia.org

Description: Operante Konditionierung - Lernen was man eh schon weiß. "RG: Hier sollen bestimmte Verhaltensweisen geübt oder Einstellungen verändert werden. Darin geht es häufig um soziale Kompetenz und Soft Skills. Doch die Möglichkeiten, diese zu vermitteln, sind nur sehr begrenzt. Da ist viel Heuchelei dabei. sueddeutsche.de: Warum ist das so? Gris: Zum einen, weil viele Mitarbeiter von ihren Vorgesetzten zur Weiterbildung genötigt werden. Sie sitzen in Trainings und sagen ganz offen: "Mein Chef hat mich hierhergeschickt, aber ich weiß gar nicht, was ich hier soll." Die Angestellten sehen keine Notwendigkeit, an sich zu arbeiten... Aus der Lernforschung wissen wir, dass der Mensch nur das lernt, was er ohnehin schon weiß. Eine wirkliche Entwicklung findet nur dann statt, wenn ein Mitarbeiter entweder einen sehr hohen Leidensdruck verspürt... oder er ein hohes, lohnenswertes Ziel vor Augen hat. Das kann eine Gehaltserhöhung oder Beförderung sein. Aber diese Situation trifft nur auf zehn Prozent aller Weiterbildungsteilnehmer zu. sueddeutsche.de: Das bedeutet im Umkehrschluss, dass 90 Prozent der 26,8 Milliarden Euro, die Unternehmen im vergangenen Jahr in Weiterbildung investiert haben, rausgeworfenes Geld sind?", SZ, 26.09.08 GOTO TheBillionKnowingDoingGapMarket GOTO AllesUmsonst GOTO HinreichendeHöchstleistung GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO StubbornlyResistantToDiversityAndChange GOTO NoddingApprovinglyBeforeIgnoringTheAdvice

ElizabethSpelke @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:ElizabethSpelke @ edge.org

Description: Caught in intergroup conflicts. "I believe, first, that all people have the same fundamental concepts, values, concerns, and commitments, despite our diverse languages, religions, social practices, and expressed beliefs... Second, one of our shared core systems centers on a notion that is false: the notion that members of different human groups differ profoundly in their concepts and values. This notion leads us to interpret the superficial differences between people as signs of deeper differences. It has quite a grip on us: Many people would lay down their lives for perfect strangers from their own community, while looking with suspicion at members of other communities. And all of us are apt to feel a special pull toward those who speak our language and share our ethnic background... Our species is caught in a race between the progress of our science and the escalation both of our intergroup conflicts and of the destructive means to pursue them", edge.org/q2005/q05_7.html vgl. Large number discrimination in 6-month-old infants: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010027799000669 GOTO DieGemeineAb-&Ausgrenzung GOTO RealitySimulation GOTO BeständigeHeimat-VoraussetzungFürInnovation GOTO TheOthersAreMyPrison

MichaelXCohen @ uni-bonn.de
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:MichaelXCohen @ uni-bonn.de

Description: Diversity. "Die Vernetzung bestimmter Hirnareale und bestimmte Wesenszüge hängen voneinander ab. Die menschliche Persönlichkeit spiegelt sich auch im Grad der Vernetzung bestimmter Hirnareale wider. So sind beispielsweise bei Menschen mit einem gesteigerten Bedürfnis nach Anerkennung oder bei neugierigen Menschen unterschiedliche Bereiche des Gehirns besonders stark miteinander verbunden", http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/297653.html GOTO SubstantialDifferent GOTO DerNaturWidersetzen

StephenKosslyn @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:StephenKosslyn @ edge.org

Description: Die Anderen Sind Die Hölle. "The first is that our brains are limited, and so we use crutches to supplement and extend our abilities... The second observation is that the major prosthetic system we use is other people. We set up what I call "Social Prosthetic Systems" (SPSs), in which we rely on others to extend our reasoning abilities and to help us regulate and constructively employ our emotions. A good marriage may arise in part because two people can serve as effective SPSs for each other", (can't prove, edge.org) GOTO Diversity GOTO DieAnderen GOTO FundamentalDifferent GOTO WahrnehmungDerAnderen

ColinDiver @ reed.edu
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:ColinDiver @ reed.edu

Description: Fortschritt Durch Uniformität. (The urge to improve one’s ranking creates an irresistible pressure toward homogeneity, and schools that, like Reed, strive to be different are almost inevitably penalized) "Kritiker befürchten dadurch eine immer stärkere Uniformität der Einrichtungen. So schreibt Colin Diver, Dean des Reed College, in einem viel beachteten Aufsatz: "Hitlisten produzieren einen unwiderstehlichen Druck, immer ähnlicher zu werden". Diversität werde aus den Schulen verdrängt, die Konkurrenzen seien nicht anders als Miss-Wahlen aufgebaut, die immer denselben Typ Gesicht prämieren. "Wer anders ist als die Masse, wird sofort bestraft", meint der Ranking-Verweigerer. Zudem: Ranglisten machen geldversessen und "reduzieren Bildung auf eine Ware, die Zugang zu Einkommen und Prestige vermittelt." Auch unterstellt er manchem Ranking-Teilnehmer bewusste Manipulation. Die Hitlisten böten starke Anreize, auf jene Zahlen hinzuarbeiten, die in den Listen besonders hoch bewertet werden", welt.de, 30.11.08 GOTO Ähnlicher GOTO ImmerÄhnlicher GOTO SurvivalOfTheMostFitted GOTO SystemischeAbstrafungDerInnovatoren GOTO ReligiousSubordination

Trommel-Ritual @ wikipedia.org
© Sam Fentress
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:Trommel-Ritual @ wikipedia.org © Sam Fentress

Description: Innovations-Ritual. "Synchrones Verhalten wie Singen, Tanzen oder Marschieren fördert das Gemeinschaftsgefühl. Die Menschen sind dann eher dazu geneigt, miteinander zu kooperieren. Außerdem verhindern synchrone Aktivitäten wie der Gesang in Kirchen, das Tanzen auf Partys oder das Marschieren beim Militär, dass Einzelne aus der Reihe tanzen und sich beispielsweise auf Kosten ihrer Mitmenschen bereichern. Das haben Psychologen um Scott Wiltermuth von der Universität Stanford in verschiedenen Kooperationstests gezeigt. Auch ohne verbindende Emotionen und Gemeinschaftsgefühle bewirkt die synchrone Handlung allein schon einen höheren Grad an Kooperation", http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/299966.html GOTO AusDerReiheTanzen GOTO Innovations-Ausgrenzung GOTO NewIdeaUnpunished GOTO DifferentDrums

MahzarinBanaji @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:MahzarinBanaji @ edge.org

Description: non-dominant dislike. "Thoughts, feelings, and behavior operate largely without deliberation or conscious recognition — it's the routinized, automatic, classically conditioned, pre-compiled aspects of our thoughts and feelings that make up a large part of who we are... We know, for instance, that fearing what is different from oneself is common. We know that disliking what is not part of the dominant part of social hierarchies is common... Such tendencies to prefer one's own and prefer that's dominant is natural in the sense of...our evolutionary heritage and reinforced through learning that emphasizes the 'gooness' of one's own country, religion, and race/ethicity", 'dangerous idea', edge.org GOTO NaturalDislike GOTO StubbornlyDifferent GOTO SelektiveWahrnehmung-EvolutionärErfolgreich

Jean-JacquesRousseau @ wikipedia.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:Jean-JacquesRousseau @ wikipedia.org

Description: Hass, notwendigerweise. „Die Menschen sind böse; eine traurige und fortdauernde Erfahrung erübrigt den Beweis; jedoch, der Mensch ist von Natur aus gut, ich glaube, es nachgewiesen zu haben; […] Man bewundere die menschliche Gesellschaft, soviel man will, es wird deshalb nicht weniger wahr sein, dass sie die Menschen notwendigerweise dazu bringt, sich in dem Maße zu hassen, in dem ihre Interessen sich kreuzen, außerdem sich wechselseitig scheinbare Dienste zu erweisen und in Wirklichkeit sich alle vorstellbaren Übel zuzufügen.“ jetzt.sueddeutsche.de/texte/anzeigen/481258 (Precht: Wer bin ich?) GOTO DifferentDrums GOTO Aufsichtsrats-Führungskrise GOTO Lebenskunst GOTO ImmerDasselbe GOTO Diversity GOTO DiversityImTeam GOTO DiversityImAlltag

StegnerCarstensen @ ndr.de
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:StegnerCarstensen @ ndr.de

Description: 4 Verlorene Jahre - Unerledigter Job "Der Ministerpräsident und sein Herausforderer werden sich gleich einen einstündigen Streit liefern, der wie eine Zusammenfassung der letzten vier verlorenen Jahre wirkt. Wenn auf diesem Niveau Politik gemacht wurde im Land, dem meerumschlungenen, möchte man sich verzweifelt in die Fluten stürzen. Was muss da alles unerledigt geblieben sein! Es präsentieren sich bloß zwei Männer, die Rollen spielen, die sie nicht beherrschen... Später wird zu erfahren sein, dass er genau so gebrieft worden war. Seine Union wollte den gemütlichen Brummbär offenbar mal als wilden Grizzly sehen. Die Kampfmoral der Basis verlangte danach... Doch zurück in die NDR-Kantine...in die politische Unkultur. Das Duell läuft auf Monitoren. Mit Hohn und Spott, mit brüllendem Lachen und ätzendem Zischen begleiten sie hier fast jedes Wort Stegners. Aber da sitzen nicht irgendwelche Partei-Groupies. Hier sitzen der Leiter der Staatskanzlei, der Landwirtschaftsminister, die persönliche Referentin des Ministerpräsidenten und der Regierungssprecher, um nur ein paar zu nennen, und benehmen sich wie Halbstarke auf dem Pausenhof", SZ, 25.09.09 GOTO BipolarePolarisierung GOTO MachMirDieBusinessHexe GOTO TheaterMitGrizzly GOTO KasperlTheaterMitJudy GOTO RhetorikMüllhaufenDerMenschheitsgeschichte GOTO FundamentalDifferent

HansJoachimSchellnhuber @ pik-potsdam.de
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:HansJoachimSchellnhuber @ pik-potsdam.de

Description: In the long run we are successful. "Das Festhalten an vertrauten Welterklärungen und bequemen Lebensweisen ist eine der stärksten menschlichen Kräfte... Machen wir uns nichts vor: Die Aufklärung ist selbst nach drei Jahrhunderten noch nicht in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen... Insbesondere beim Klima, das in der Regel mit dem Wetter verwechselt wird, glaubt jeder, er könne mitreden... Um eine partielle Diffentialgleichung zu verstehen, muss man jahrelang Mathematik studiert haben. Fatalerweise wissen die Klimabesserwisser noch nicht einmal, dass sie etwas über partielle Differentialgleichungen wissen müssten... Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ist als ausgebildete Naturwissenschaftlerin offen für System- und Langfristargumente. In der Regel treffe ich aber auf Juristen und Ökonomen, die eine andere Denke haben. Die Schwierigsten sind letztere, insbesondere wenn sie glauben, man könnte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen präzise mit einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse abwägen. Dann kann plötzlich herauskommen, dass eine um vier Grad wärmere Erde optimal wäre", SZ, 13.02.10 GOTO FachlicheMINTKompetenz GOTO GenerelleKompetenz GOTO SpezielleKompetenz GOTO GenerellesFesthalten GOTO GenerellKomplex GOTO KomplexesWissenLeichtVerdaulich GOTO 3JahrhunderteQuatschenStattAufklärung

CarstenHerrmann-Pillath @ evolutionary-economics.net
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:CarstenHerrmann-Pillath @ evolutionary-economics.net

Description: Face the Knowing-Doing-Gap. "I think that the fundamental economic problem is IGNORANCE and how to use and create knowledge to guide human action. As is well-known, in the history of economics many scholars have advocated a marriage between ... economics and evolution. However, today we still FACE A GAP between the so-called "mainstream" and "heterodox economics", with evolutionary economics counting to the latter... the use of evolutionary concepts has been increasing in all fields of economics in the recent two decades, mainstream or sidestream. In the recent decade, some of the nobel laureates in economics may be regarded as major contributors to an emerging evolutionary paradigm of economics, like Douglass North, George Akerlof, or most recently Daniel Kahneman... In my view, therefore, evolutionary economics is not simply a special field of economics (like theory of foreign trade or industrial economics). Evolutionary economics adopts a radically different view of "the economic problem" evolutionaryeconomics.net, http://web.dmz.uni-wh.de/wiwi/hp/evooek/ GOTO RadicalDifferentMainstream GOTO BowlingAlone GOTO Homeland GOTO EklatanteIGNORANZ GOTO DieAnderenSindDieHoelle GOTO ImmerDieAnderen GOTO WirSindDieAnderen

DouglasEby @ blogs.psychcentral.com
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:DouglasEby @ blogs.psychcentral.com

Description: Decreased Chance of Innovation. Psychologist Robert Ornstein, PhD, author of The Psychology of Consciousness, commented, “If you spend too much time being like everybody else, you decrease your chances of coming up with something different.” Neuropsychologist David Weeks, in his book Eccentrics: A Study of Sanity and Strangeness, lists many creative eccentrics including William Blake, Alexander Graham Bell, Emily Dickinson, Charlie Chaplin, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Howard Hughes. http://blogs.psychcentral.com/creative-mind/2010/07/the-creative-potential-of-eccentricity/ GOTO SomePeopleAreMoreWeirdThanOthers GOTO UnverstandenLebenslänglich GOTO RebellenForschung-DieLebensversicherungDerMehrheit

JuanEnriquez @ edge.org
Aus dem Album:  VictimsOfGroupThink

Überschrift:JuanEnriquez @ edge.org

Description: Technoliteracy of The Others. "Future ability to generate wealth depends on techno-literacy... By 2050 close to 40% of the U.S. population will be Hispanic and African American. These groups receive 3% of the PhDs in math and science today. How we prepare kids for a life sciences, materials, robotics, IT, and nanotechnology driven world is critical. But we currently invest $22,000 federal dollars in those over 65 and just over $2,000 in those under sixteen... Because competitive congressional elections are rarer today than turnovers within the Soviet Politburo, there is rarely an open debate and discussion as to why other parts of the country act and think so differently. The Internet and cable further narrowcast news and views, tending to reinforce what one's neighbors and communities already believe. Positions harden. Anger at "the others" mounts", 'dangerous idea', edge.org GOTO TheOthers GOTO StubbornlyResistant GOTO WhatWeAlreadyBelieve-Routines GOTO MINT-Competence GOTOP Technoliteracy&Demographie

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